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In ons lijfblad "Stroom in Beeld" van de Vereniging Tekentaal is ditmaal het thema: Balans. Veel van onze collega's op het gebied van Tekentaal hebben daarover waardevolle artikelen met prachtige illustraties geschreven. Ook ik heb me ervoor ingespannen mijn bijdrage te leveren. Het is zeer de moeite waard om je te bezinnen over het fenomeen balans en hoe dat in- en uitwerkt op ons leven en werk.

In our magazine "Stroom in beeld" (Vereniging Tekentaal) we had as issue for this time: Balance and what this does for you in your life and work. We had very much pretty articles about this theme so if you are interested, look for yourself on the website. You can also donate or become an aspirant reader. I also wrote an article about balance and doing so, it is every time so nice to read your own article, for it is very early written and you forgot about the impact. This time I wrote about finding balance after having an experience with chaos. Mostly chaos comes first and out of balance you go. How can you stand for your balance, how do you manage this.

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Balance is how you can stand on your feet, keeping yourself up and tidy, not letting go, but strive for peace. Those days we are living in ask from us to be strong in our own power, staying as centered as we can. The photograph shows you that you can stay near to each other, but still on your own. Have a good time finding your personal center again.

As I know now, you can live further on also when you lost someone who was very dear to you, nothing is gone for always, the energy still is there and you can feel it any time.

Want to do some practice on this issue? Come and join us at the Dominicanenklooster from Friday evening 14 - 19.30 to Sunday afternoon 16 - 17.00 o'clock. We work with the Flower of Life - dream & balance - drawing & experience. Your welcome!